Thursday, December 13, 2012

Democratization of Enlightenment

Marc Gafni:
What does the democratization of enlightenment mean? Democratization as in democracy on the one hand, and enlightenment on the other hand. It's the unique nexus of those two powerful, earth-shattering, mind-bending, heart-rending ideas that change the very nature of how we engage all that is.


Marc Gafni:
World Spirituality is like a symphony. In the symphony there are many instruments. Each one is sacred. Each one has its unique music. Each contributes a particular texture and depth of sound to the symphony. But all of the instruments are playing music. No instrument can claim to be the music itself.

Puzzle piece

Marc Gafni:
Like a puzzle piece, Unique Self is both utterly unique and distinct, and yet paradoxically it is that very uniqueness and distinction that merges one with All-that-Is.

Your Unique Self

Marc Gafni:
Awakening Your Unique Self is your contribution, your gift, your obligation, to the evolution of love — which is no less than the evolution of God.

On ecstasy

Marc Gafni:
Ecstasy at its core, teach the Hebrew mystics, is but a shift in perception. This is precisely the experience of ecstasy. Nothing changes. Everything is as it was. And yet nothing is the same.

On longing

Marc Gafni:
Longing and desire are holy: the yearning itself guides and fills you, and leads you back to your Unique Self.

Simple deeds

Marc Gafni:

Small deeds, simple acts of kindness – that is what makes me a lover of God. People are God incarnate in this world. Each person is a different face of God. To love people by being a giver is to love God. There is no great deed of loving God. There are only small deeds of giving to people – done with great love!

Reach out your hand

Marc Gafni:
When I reach out my hand to hold someone else's hand, not only can I lift them up, but I become stronger.

Who or what are we?

Marc Gafni:
I participate in divinity. As do you. We―together―are the language of God. We are God’s Verbs. We are God’s Adjectives. We are God’s Nouns. We are even God’s Dangling Modifiers! I AM.

How do you open your heart?

Marc Gafni:
The way to open your heart through the pain is to find the God that is infinitely pained in your contraction. It is that God that leads from the narrow constriction of your pain to walk again in the side spaces of your heart.

What is love?

Marc Gafni:
To LOVE is to be committed to the growth of the other.

What is life about?

Marc Gafni:
Life is what we do with our hurt.